5 ways to perfectly balance collaboration and control


A constant game of tug-of-war between collaboration and control manifests in businesses every day. Many IT departments revert to type and lock down technologies when new collaboration opportunities pop up as admins struggle to manage internal and external collaborators and content assets across M365. 

To get the balance right, you must embed governance best practices in content creation assets across Microsoft Teams and SharePoint while scaling requests, access reviews, and permission management through automation to keep IT in control and give end users what they need to prevent collaboration stagnation. 

Join our webinar with Microsoft MVP and Global Director of Partner & Alliances at Rencore, Ragnar Heil, and Charles Collins-Hooper, who will show you how to compile a robust strategy to better balance business collaboration and flexible regulation across your M365 technologies. 

What will you learn?

  • Automate Microsoft SharePoint and Teams content creation assets and requests. 
  • Continuously review user access in your M365 tenant and act. 
  • Manage permissions and create reports across technologies including Users, Groups, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Power Apps, Flows and Viva Engage. 
  • Bring governance best-practices to the end user and close the gap between IT and business. 


Our Speakers


Ragnar Heil

Ragnar is the Global Director of Partners & Alliances at Rencore. His long-standing career in the technology industry includes roles at Microsoft and most recently Quest, where he successfully built a partner channel around cloud technologies. Ragnar will now help SIs and MSPs around the globe to provide their clients with efficient, secure, cost-effective, and future-proof Microsoft 365 services.  He has published several books, including articles about Social Intranets, Digital Business and Brand Ambassadors as Guides in the Information Age. He is passionate about Social Media, improving Business Collaboration, and reinventing Productivity.

Charles Collins-Hooper

Charles is the Partner & Alliance Manager at Rencore – Cementing together the business relationships that count.